Monday, May 18, 2009

Exploring Blogger

Blogger offers "gadgets" such as news feeds, favorite links, etc. that you can add to your blog. I've just added the blogger logo and the link to INFO652. Let's see what else the site has to offer...


Still trying to feel my way around both Blogger and Wordpress. Blogger is very straightforward. Lots of options for adding “widgets” or feeds and links to blog. I couldn’t think of anything to add right now, so I’ll get back to this. Wordpress is not quite as straightforward as Blogger—they have links to a lot of other things on the page. Fortunately, I still found the link to my blog fairly quickly.

Option for adding “widgets” are available on both Blogger and Wordpress, though I’ve seen options for editing CSS only on Wordpress so far. Wordpress has categories, but I haven’t yet found how to assign my blogs to categories. Blogger has fewer options, but they seem to be right in your face, while Wordpress offers more, but it’s not immediately apparent how to apply those options.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

First Blog

I've set this up as part of a project for my INFO652 class at Drexel. Our topic is Web 2.0 and we're discussing Blogger and Wordpress. This blog took me all of a minute to set up, including my debate over what the heck to call it and what URL to use.

On to Wordpress. Back soon...